Do: Take Care Of Your Feet Every Day
Even if it’s just thirty seconds before going to bed, massage a cream in and work on the joint mobility of the foot. This is the best way to keep skin soft and any joint pain at bay.
Don’t: Scrub Your Soles Too Hard Or Too Often
It breaks the elasticity of the skin and as a response, skin creates more calluses to protect itself. Instead, soak your feet in warm soapy water for 5 minutes, scrub your feet with a scrub and rinse. Avoid doing anything using a metal file – leave the sharp instruments to the professionals.
Do: Decrease Puffiness With Cold Water
After a long day shower your legs from the toe to the knee with cold water to help push the blood back towards your heart. Pay particular attention to just above the back on the knee as a lot of veins and arteries are situated there.
Don't: Cut Your Cuticles - Ever
Instead, use an electric toothbrush 2-3 times a week after you’ve showered. It helps remove any dead skin cells from the sides of the nail, which in turn prevents any swelling, dryness or ingrown nails.
Do: Buy Shoes In The Afternoon
Your feet can grow up to one centimetre during the day, so a pair that might feel fine in the morning can rub by the afternoon. If your shoes are the wrong size, your toenails touch the ends and can be damaged, plus blisters (and eventually calluses) may occur.
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