Plucking Brows Too Thin
Put down the tweezers and let them grow back. If it’s too late and you’ve over plucked, to make them look thicker, try a tinted brown powder which can really help add the appearance of volume or for an instant fix use pencil to create believable, soft hair stokes.
Making Brows Too Dark
Even using a pencil or tint a couple of shades too dark can make brows too bold and bring unwanted drama to the face. To avoid this, never use a pencil darker than your darkest natural hair.
Trimming Brows Too Short
Another one I see often that can ruin brows. If you’ve been scissor happy, apply castor oil every evening which can help to thicken hair and speed up growth plus use a brow pencil to add length.
Trying to Create Perfectly Sculpted Instagram Brows
This is a very common mistake that many make and it often looks harsh and unflattering. The first rule of brow school: don’t strive for two completely identical brows, instead perfect each of them individually.
Forgetting That Brows Need Brushing Too
Brows are hair, so it goes without saying that they need brushing too. Always use a brow brush and use upward strokes to open eyes and set brows into your desired shape.

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